Payment Instruction

- STEP 1: Fill up the online application form. Please note that the form has to be filled up in one sitting.
- STEP 2: After successful submission of the form, you will receive an 8 digit number which is called
REFERENCE. You have to enter this REFERENCE while paying the application fee through bKash.
Help desk and bKash agent booth is available at IUB.
- STEP 3: Pay the application fee of TK1000/- (Taka One thousand only) to the Merchant Phone Number#
01780185007 through bKash (from any bKash customer account activated phone number or
preferably opening a bKash customer account) using the 8 digit reference.
- STEP 4: The bKash payment flow-chart is mentioned below. You must select option
"3. Payment" while paying Tk. 1000/- through bKash.
- STEP 5: Please note that unless you complete the application fee payment of TK 1000/- the form will not be considered valid and no admit card will be issued.
- STEP 6: IUB will not be held responsible for any wrong input of either the reference or the cell phone Number during payment through bKash.
- STEP 7: Click on the ‘Admit Card’ option from 17th to 18th April 2013, enter your 8 digit reference to take a print out of your admit card.
- STEP 8: You have to show the admit card along with any photo ID (as mentioned in the admit card instructions) at the exam hall on the day of examination
‘20th April 2013’.
- STEP 7: For any problem during filling up the form please contact # +88 02 8401645 - 53 Ext. 378, 269 Mobile# +88 01780185006 [Only office day: 9AM to 5PM]
- Fill out the electronic admission form and submit. You will receive a 8 digit
Reference no: xxxxxxx. Note down the Reference no.
- Application form payment TK.1000 by bkash.
Please pay the Application fee by dialing bKash USSD Code *247#. Do not use bKash App for payment.
- IUB MERCEHANT NO. is 01709963670
- Payment by bKash:
Go to the nearest bKash point and give the bKash agent the 8 digit reference no. and the IUB MERCHANT NO. and TK. 1,000. The bKash agent will take care of all formalities.
Those who could not pay Tk.1000/- through bKash, can come to the admission office till
20-April-2013 10:00AM and can pay in cash and collect the admit card.